Working with git submodules: tips ‘n tricks

Some people hate it, nobody loves it, but it’s a good way to split codebase in different components/repositories.

I have been using submodules a LOT for puppet development (all those puppet modules…). Some people might propose alternatives (puppet-tree, librarian), but I rather stick with what I already know.

Dealing with submodules in git is mainly painful because the parent repository doesn’t really know/care what is inside the submodule. He only keeps track of the hash that links the commit. Another downside is that your submodules mostly always end up in a detached state and after checking out a branch, you kinda forget on what commit the parent repository has.

You can put them in your ~/.gitconfig file in the alias section:

git tags

Little different from the default git tag: Uses sort to do natural sort with version numbers. Note, your sort version must be new enough.

tags = !sh -c 'git tag | sort -V'

git update

Run in the root of the ‘parent’ repository

update = !sh -c 'git pull && git fetch --tags && git submodule update --recursive && git submodule foreach git tag -f parent-$(git describe --contains --all HEAD)'
  1. Pull from the remote
  2. Fetch remote tags
  3. Update submodules (recursive)
  4. Create a tag on each submodule called parent-BRANCH with BRANCH being the branch the current parent repository is on

git noparent

Removes the parent-* tags from all repositories (recursive).

noparent = !sh -c 'git tag -d $(git tag | grep ^parent ) &&  git submodule foreach git noparent'
  1. Remove all tags matching ^parent
  2. Do the same for each submodule (recursive)

git safepush

Remove parent tags, make sure we don’t create a merge commit and push.

safepush = !sh -c 'git noparent && git pull --rebase && git push && git push --tags'
  1. Remove parent tags, we don’t want to push them by accident
  2. Fetch remote changes and rebase
  3. Push push push!

git pushtags

Remove parent tags and push all the tags.

pushtags = !sh -c 'git noparent && git push --tags'
  1. Remove the parent tags we have set
  2. Push tags
Categorized: Linux

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