Puppet modules in Jenkins.

Code style checking


  • You will need a recent enough version of puppet-lint that supports the --log-format flag. Install the gem so that the Jenkins can use it.
  • On Jenkins, you will need the Warnings Plugin and the HTML Publisher Plugin.
  • Make sure that when checking the module from your VCS, it ends up in WORKSPACE/modules/module_name.



Go to the Configure System page and find the Compiler Warnings settings. Add a new console log parser and call it puppet-lint. I use following configuration for parsing puppet-lint warnings and errors.

The warnings plugin has been updated and now has puppet-lint support out of the box! So configuring puppet-lint manually is kind of useless now.



Regular Expression:


Mapping Script:

import hudson.plugins.warnings.parser.Warning
// map regular expression to strings
String fileName = matcher.group(1);
String lineNumber = matcher.group(2);
String kind = matcher.group(3);
String check = matcher.group(4);
String message = matcher.group(5);
// return a Warning.
return new Warning(fileName, Integer.parseInt(lineNumber), check, kind, message);

Example Log Message:

./manifests/params.pp:25:autoloader_layout:error:apache::params not in autoload module layout

Jenkins job configuration

We will add several build steps that will run certain actions on our puppet modules.

  1. Check syntax
  2. Check style
  3. Generate documentation

1. For the syntax check, I use following shell script (add a build step):

for file in $(find . -iname '*.pp'); do
  puppet parser validate --color false --render-as s --modulepath=modules $file || exit 1;

2. For the style check, we use puppet-lint (add another build step):

find . -iname *.pp -exec puppet-lint --log-format "%{path}:%{linenumber}:%{check}:%{KIND}:%{message}" {} \;

3. And for generating documentation:

## Cleanup old docs.
[ -d doc/ ] && rm -rf doc/
## Dummy manifests folder.
! [ -d manifests/ ] && mkdir manifests/
## Generate docs
puppet doc --mode rdoc --manifestdir manifests/ --modulepath ./modules/ --outputdir doc
## Fix docs to how I want them, I don't like that the complete workspace is included in all file paths.
if [ -d ${WORKSPACE}/doc/files/${WORKSPACE}/modules ]; then
  mv -v "${WORKSPACE}/doc/files/${WORKSPACE}/modules" "${WORKSPACE}/doc/files/modules"
grep -l -R ${WORKSPACE} * | while read fname; do sed -i "s@${WORKSPACE}/@/@g" $fname; done;

In your post build section:

  • Enable Scan for compiler warnings and select puppet-lint.
  • Enable publish HTML reports (use ‘doc‘, ‘index.html‘ and ‘Puppet Docs‘ as values). This will add a link to the Job page linking your generated puppet docs.

That’s about it! Any suggestions / improvements on this are always welcome!


  • I have some examples/tests setup on my Jenkins instance for testing at http://jenkins.vstone.eu. Since I use this for testing, it might be offline / broken / buggy at times.
  • The scripts I use may also require some changes if you are using an older version of puppet. I’m currently using 2.7.x for testing my modules.

Vagrant quickstart for Puppet dev(op)s

A quick introduction on how I use vagrant for developing my puppet manifests/modules/. You can almost certain also use this for other purposes. In general, this will get you up to speed fast!
We will quickly go over installation and/or updating and maybe even removing an old version using ruby gems.
Furthermore: adding a vagrant box and preparing a project to develop a puppet module (or something of the likes).